
Here are the key milestones to be achieved in consecutive stages of development in Hash20 roadmap.

Please, note that we may not disclose some elements due to potential competitive risks. Also be aware that we reached the stage 3 way earlier than expected,

Be aware that we reached stage 3 much faster than expected, as Hash20 grew by leaps and bounds only 2 weeks after its launch, reaching the 1000 Hash-node and then 10000 Hash-node threshold much sooner than originally planned. The Hash roadmap and plan can therefore change very quickly due to events and new situations.

Stage #1

- Introduce the concept and research protocols that might be relevant for the project on different blockchains (BSC, ETH, AVAX, )

- Start to build a community around this project

- Define the Tokenomics and launch a beta version of the project

- Communicate and exchange to evangelize about the Hash20 Project and the coming Hash20 DeFi allocation technology

- Create a beta version of the landing page and the dApp

Stage #2

- Let early adopters invest in the $H2O token on the Binance Smart Chain through PancakeSwap

- Early adopters can create the first hash-cycle and receive rewards in $H2O tokens from the pool

- Reach the goal of 500 nodes created to make sure the reward mechanism works and is scalable

- Get listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap to gain visibility and communicate about our vision

- Publishing of the comprehensive Whitepaper and Tokenomics

- Launch the V2 of the Hash20 Dapp and Main page with a new UI design

Stage #3

- Improve the reward distribution system to make it more reliable and scalable

- Gather a team of developers and computer scientists to build the Hash20 DeFi allocation protocol

- Start developing the technology and the protocol behind Hash20

- Create an iOS and Android mobile dApp for Hash20

- Launch a staking features for holders who cannot afford to create a Hash cycle

Stage #4

- Add an automatic compounding system to create new Hash-cycle with rewards without claiming

- Launch the Hash20 DeFi allocation protocol

- Open the DAO to let Hashers vote about the allocation of funds in different protocols

- Get listed on centralized Exchanges

- Work with DeFi Influencers to get more exposure and coverage among the blockchain community

Last updated