Hash as a Service (HaaS)

Enjoy lifetime daily yield using hash as a service protocol

In order to maintain sustainability and future growth, we have introduced a Longterm Hash cycle (LHC) component which will award $H20 token holders with continued rewards

Each hash cycle is 20 hours in length and is referred to as an Hash interval.

The life-time yield generation is upheld by an innovative mechanism that redistributes the yield to sustain token growth.


G-Force hash

Standard Hash must be connected to the user's aptitude, the manner in which they receive rewards and tokens, and whether or not all incentives have NFTs in their structure. In order to receive 0.75% daily rewards passive income in the form of standard hash tokens, users must first acquire 100 tokens for one hash. Based on those 100 tokens, users can rest easy knowing that there are no additional transaction fees and that all NFTs they can obtain are transferable in nature. If the user satisfies all of the aforementioned requirements, the total value of that pool allocation is 1,500,000, and the standard supply of this hash token is limited to 15,000 supply hash.

Model: 75ti, 1st Gen

Reward Ratio: 0.75/d

Pins: 4

Fans: Single

Bandwidth: 15000/s

Pool Size: 1.5m

S-Force hash

Super Hash has to also be linked with the user ability, how they get rewards and tokens, can whether all rewards have NFTs in structure or not. Super hash has various nodes to nodes connectivity in which users must get 175 tokens for one hash then they will acquire 1.5% daily passive income in form of standard hash token, based on that 100 tokens users get comfort about no extra transaction fees and all NFTs which user can get all are transferable in nature. The super supply of this hash token has a maximum limit of 5,500 supply hash if all of the above requirements have been met by the user total worth of that pool allocation is 962,500 respectively.

Model: 175ti, 1st Gen

Reward Ratio: 1.5/d

Pins: 8

Fans: Dual

Bandwidth: 5500/s

Pool Size: 962.5k

R-Force Hash

Rare Hash has to be linked with the user ability, how they get rewards and tokens, and whether all reward have NFTs in structure or not. Rare hash has various nodes connectivity in which users must get 300 tokens then they will acquire 2.5% daily passive income in form of standard hash token, based on that 300 tokens users get comfort about no extra transaction fees and all NFTs which user can get are all transferable in nature. The standard supply of this hash token has a maximum limit of 2000 supply hash if all of the above requirements have been met by the user total worth of that pool allocation is 600,000 respectively.

Model: 300ti, 1st Gen

Reward Ratio: 2.5/d

Pins: 4

Fans: Single

Bandwidth: 2000/s

Pool Size: 600k

SR-Force Hash

Super Rare Hash has to be linked with the user ability, how they get rewards and tokens, and whether all rewards have NFTs in structure or not. Standards hash has various nodes to nodes connectivity in which user must get 700 tokens then they will acquire 5.5% daily passive income in form of standard hash token, based on that 100 tokens user get comfort about no extra transaction fees and all NFTs which user can get all are transferable in nature. The standard supply of this hash token has a maximum limit of 500 supply hash if all of the above requirements have been met by the user total worth of that pool allocation is 350,000 respectively.

Model: 700ti, 1st Gen

Reward Ratio: 5.5/d

Pins: 8

Fans: Double

Bandwidth: 500/s

Pool Size: 350k

For every Hash cycle

5% automatically transferred to referral wallet address, remaining 95% distribute as following:

● 75% goes to the distribution pool

● 15% goes to the treasury

● 10% is added to LP

Whenever a user creates Hash NFTs following operations performed on the backend. Liquidity Pool (10.0%), Community Rewards (15.0%), Treasury Pool (75%), and it has to be defined as two various functions;

Last updated