H20 utility Token

The hash are the tools that enables a hasher to generate high yield daily or annually rewards; while reinforcing the sustainable growth of $H20 token.

The process of creating a hash-cycle is within everyone’s reach. At the launch of $HASH token, token miners will need to mint 100 $H20 token in order create a hash-cycle. As the project will evolve the cost of creating the hash will be reduced down to 10 $H20; again that is an estimated statement.

1 Hash-cycle = 0.556 $H20 ~ every 20 minutes

Hashers currently receive approximately 0,556 $H20 tokens as rewards every 20 hours. We insist on the word “approximately”. In fact, this is an estimate. We do not 100% guarantee that hashers will be rewarded exactly 0,556 $H20 tokens after each 20 hours. Moreover, this amount of daily rewards is not fixed, it can be modified if needed in the interest of the project, for example for sustainability purposes.

Creating a hash-cycle

1. Buy $H20 on pancakeswap

2. Create a hash-cycle with 100 $H20 tokens on our website

3. Collect $H20 rewards on your hash-cycle weekly

Once again, we insist on the fact that the distribution period of 20 hours is an estimate, not a guarantee. Once a Hash is created, it can’t be undone and it generates daily returns in $H20 tokens. While enjoying the daily rewards in $H20 tokens, hash-cycle will also benefit from the sustainable growth of the H20 token. This will mean double rewards for them.

Last updated